Untuk para flasher , ada nih software untuk flashing HP nokia ( kecuali yang terbaru ) .Mungkin bisa berguna, seandainya kalo box utama kita lagi ngadat, atau sedang berada pada kondisi yang tidak ada box namun ingin nge-flash untuk kasus ringan, bisa di coba neh.. Pertama - tama ikutilah langkah berikut ini hehe.......
1. Download and install Windows Installer 3.1 Disini
2. Download and install NET Framework 2.0 Disini
Download Tools for Flashing:
1. Download and install JAF Disini
2. Download and install Nokia PC Suite Disini
Flashing with JAF 1. copy all firmware to : "C:\ProgramFiles\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-356\"
2. Conect your phone with PC Suite Mode 3. now open OGM_JAF_PKEY_Emulator_v3.exe
4. Klik GO
6. Select BB5 ==> Manual Flash ==> Dead USB ==> Use INI
7. Select your phone model
8. You will see MCU, PPM, CNT, APE Variant become green
9. Now TURN OFF your phone !! and then click FLASH button after that press power button (don't hold it) on your phone and JAF will start flashing.
10. When flash will finish restart your phone (by releasing your battery and put it back)
Original /Copas from : http://mashasih.blogspot.com/2012/01/cara-mudah-flash-handphone-nokia-tanpa.html
Copyright Mashasih
Copyright Mashasih
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